Essay/Term paper: The cave
Essay, term paper, research paper: Cliff Notes
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Notes on "The Cave" author- Jean McCord George- Bum
who lived in a cave and made statues Charles- Main char.
Charles was running when he saw a cave. He stopped and
looked in it, an old bum found him and asked what he was
doing. Charles and the bum (George) became good friends,
and Charles would visit him as much a he could to watch
him make the statues. The bum made statues in the cave
wall. One day Charles was looking for a cave, and when he
found one, he went strait to his gang. They all went to see
the cave, and let Charles go first. Charles flew down a tunnel
very fast and landed in a bigger cave. After trying to find a
way out he discovered he had led the gang to George"s
cave. He went up to the gang and told them that it was
nothing. Finials were coming up in school, so Charles had to
stay inside and study. When summer came, he went back to
see his best friend, George. When he got to the cave, he
found that the gang was in it and broke all the statues. The
gang said that when the bum came back and saw the statues
were gone, he left. Charles got very mad at ht gang and at
himself. And felt very bad for the bum. But to get back at his
gang, he decided to get together with the other gang, and
have them do something bad to his gang for revenge.